Thursday, 14 June 2012

Annoying London folk!

1.       People who stop as they come off the escalator – WHAT!?

2.       People who walk straight to the front of the bus queue – RUUUDE!

3.       People who drop litter in plain view of everyone else – NAASTY!

4.       People who get to the tube ticket machine, then start rooting around for their ticket – COME OOON!

5.       People who run across the road in busy traffic – INSANE!?

6.       People who put their bag on the bus seat and don’t make eye contact – BAGGY!

7.       People who join the bar queue after you then shamelessly shout their order above everyone – AAASSHOLE!

8.       People who look like they’re eyeing up your bag – SWIPEY!

9.       People who get on the bus to ask the driver for random directions – LAAAZY!

10.   People who walk in front of you smoking with no consideration of those downwind – GROSSIE!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Blogosphere: Week 5

Returned from holiday late last night! I had a great time, despite the 7.10am screeching toddler next door and the questionable hotel food. The weather was stunning, the pool clean and refreshing and the sea crystal clear. I have inadvertantly visited Malia and Ayia Napa in the past 6 weeks because my hotels were nearby. Definitely too old now.

I had a sorry case of the post-holiday blues today *cue music*, beginning at half five this morning when Lisa's blasted cat started scratching at my door. Not cool, Millie, not cool. What's with the weather here!? I've spent a week developing a nice golden tan, returning to a London where Ugg boots and coats are out and about. De-press-ing.

There was one ray of sunshine in my day - I won the Apprentice sweepstake at work! Nice one, Ricky Martin. I didn't watch one episode (I don't like the confrontation!) but heard he was a bit of a doofus, a wrestler who thought he was the 'reflection of perfection'. Puke. Anyway, I took my winnings and spent the evening making chocolate cupcakes for my colleagues. Man, they are such a great bunch and I love to spoil them.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

I booked a hair appointment for Saturday afternoon and am looking forward to it. Think I'm going to go back to blonde (from Ombre/the grown out roots look) for the summer, with an inch off the end. I like to have enough length for a 'gym ponytail' nowadays, after a decade of the choppy bob too short to do anything with. Happy days!

Bloody gawwwgeous snack

Ciabatta with Halloumi and Mango Salsa

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App1. Buy halloumi, a red onion, a ciabatta roll and a mango. Grow some coriander (or buy, if pressed for time).

2. Chop half a red onion and handful of coriander finely and mix together; cut mango into small cubes and chop all three ingredients to mix.

3. Slice halloumi and place on a hot griddle/frying pan until browned. Turn over and brown other side. Remove.

4. Slice open ciabatta and toast inner sides on griddle.

5. Place halloumi onto roll and plop chutney on top.

The perfect summer lunch - LOVELY!!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Top Ten Best Places To Go (aged 14)

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

1. Seaside
2. Ice skating
3. Kingston
4. Spain
5. America (esp Florida)
6. London
7. Cinema
8. Concerts
9. Parties
10. Options

Monday, 11 June 2012

Dear Diary: 12/02/1997 (aged 12)

I only just remembered to set the timer for Friends. Tomorrow I'm going to buy some hair colour after school, just a blonde one. Leo is very sweet and cuddly right now. Mum is in a stress, and Lisa asked me if I have a locker.

Best thing today: Getting a lift to school.