Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Bloody gawwwgeous snack

Ciabatta with Halloumi and Mango Salsa

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App1. Buy halloumi, a red onion, a ciabatta roll and a mango. Grow some coriander (or buy, if pressed for time).

2. Chop half a red onion and handful of coriander finely and mix together; cut mango into small cubes and chop all three ingredients to mix.

3. Slice halloumi and place on a hot griddle/frying pan until browned. Turn over and brown other side. Remove.

4. Slice open ciabatta and toast inner sides on griddle.

5. Place halloumi onto roll and plop chutney on top.

The perfect summer lunch - LOVELY!!