Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Blogosphere: Week 5

Returned from holiday late last night! I had a great time, despite the 7.10am screeching toddler next door and the questionable hotel food. The weather was stunning, the pool clean and refreshing and the sea crystal clear. I have inadvertantly visited Malia and Ayia Napa in the past 6 weeks because my hotels were nearby. Definitely too old now.

I had a sorry case of the post-holiday blues today *cue music*, beginning at half five this morning when Lisa's blasted cat started scratching at my door. Not cool, Millie, not cool. What's with the weather here!? I've spent a week developing a nice golden tan, returning to a London where Ugg boots and coats are out and about. De-press-ing.

There was one ray of sunshine in my day - I won the Apprentice sweepstake at work! Nice one, Ricky Martin. I didn't watch one episode (I don't like the confrontation!) but heard he was a bit of a doofus, a wrestler who thought he was the 'reflection of perfection'. Puke. Anyway, I took my winnings and spent the evening making chocolate cupcakes for my colleagues. Man, they are such a great bunch and I love to spoil them.

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I booked a hair appointment for Saturday afternoon and am looking forward to it. Think I'm going to go back to blonde (from Ombre/the grown out roots look) for the summer, with an inch off the end. I like to have enough length for a 'gym ponytail' nowadays, after a decade of the choppy bob too short to do anything with. Happy days!

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