Choosing a degree subject was tricky as I’d never been a
‘life-planner’ and find it difficult to look long-term. I didn’t have a clue at
17/18 what I wanted to become in the future - I was thinking perhaps a teacher
or journalist, so I thought the logical choice was to continue with the
subjects I was good at and enjoyed which, at the time, were Psychology and
I chose these for different reasons - Psychology I enjoyed
because the teacher was fantastic, whereas Maths seemed to fit with the way my
brain works. Yes I found it difficult, but never had trouble grasping the
concepts (like algebra) like many people do. I quite like the abstract nature
of it!
A joint honours degree in Psychology and Maths isn’t common,
and there were about four universities which offered it. The Birmingham campus
I just remember being really ‘grey’, so I chose Reading, which was far enough
away from home to move there, but close enough to visit home every so often. I
think I only put two options on my UCAS form, so it was lucky I got the grades!
So I spent a year on the joint honours course, and it was
fine, but I found that the subjects didn’t really mesh well together. Joint
honours degrees are tricky as you invariably end up doing about 60% of each
full degree, and you need to be able to constantly switch your mindset from one
subject to the other. I found Psychology a lot closer to biology than I was
expecting, which I didn’t really enjoy so I thought I’d see which set of
first-year exams I performed better in. It turns out I did better in Maths, so
decided to transfer to the single-honours degree.
I can say for certain that I made the right decision as I
really enjoyed the rest of my degree and left with a first class degree in ‘06.
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